編曲:山路敦司,MOTO G3
編曲:山路敦司,MOTO G3
Good Read
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Hi, very nice site
As I end up getting around in it I wish to put this to our Feed reader… I tried to find the url nevertheless wasn’t able to any assist?
“”Its always good to learn tips like you share for blog posting. As I just started posting comments for blog and facing problem of lots of rejections. I think your suggestion would be helpful for me. I will let you know if its work for me too.”
While I can appreciate the points in 日刊APFニュース | ã€ãŠçŸ¥ã‚‰ã›ã€‘長井å¥å¸ æ˜ åƒãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆ, I am tired and sick of hearing rubbish about the “US economic recovery”. The Federal government borrowed and spent $6.1T during the last 4 years to obtain a cumulative $700 billion rise in the nation’s Gross domestic product. That means we’ve borrowed and spent $8.70 for every $1 of nominal “economic growth” in Gross domestic product. In constant $, Gross domestic product is flat, we’ve got no “growth” at all for our $6.1 trillion. In constant US dollars, the gross domestic product in 2011 might get back to the 2007 level, if the economy continues “growing” at the same rate reached inside the first three months of 2011. If not, then the Gross Domestic Product will actually be lower than before recession levels. There is no economic recovery, the numbers prove it.
This is just what I was looking for.
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