2010/11/17 23:22
Well, I don’t know if that is going to work for me, but definitely proved helpful for you!
Excellent post!
Tremendously refreshing advice, I think I’ll give it a shot. Much appreciated.
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Well done for creating a blog post on this particular topic. There is not a lot of information posted about it (not particularly good anyway). It is refreshing to see it receiving additional coverage. Cheers!
I’m curious how creative writing instructors at universites and colleges handle students who talk about really disturbing things and who seem very damaging to themselves while others? Are instructors aware about students’ mental health records? Do they let such students break free with violent or disturbing writing in the effort To never stir an excessive amount of trouble? Do you feel proactive in looking to help these students? Do you undergo training to handle problem students? As a creative writing student with a university, I often see disturbing stuff brought into workshops. I’m wondering the profs think about this all. Thanks to any answers!.
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